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I first came across the concept of positive affirmations when I read my very first book from Louise Hay: You Can Heal Your Life, which I got from my mother. Back then, I was going through a very difficult period in my life and had an equally negative mindset. As I was struggling to get back to my optimistic self, I thought I’d give it a try. After only a week of using positive affirmations, I could already notice significant changes happening (among other things, I met someone who would play an important role in my life).
Even if you haven’t heard about affirmations yet, you are probably already using them without knowing. Unfortunately, we usually unconsciously spend the day repeating more negative than positive affirmations, which are often old beliefs that can prevent us from reaching certain goals. Most of the time, they come in the form of self-criticism (e.g., “I’m not a good enough mom”) or negative assumptions (e.g. “I’m a bad father because I don’t enjoy all moments of parenthood”).
The difficulty in preventing this negative self-talk is that these limiting beliefs are usually deeply ingrained in our mind as they have been formed and replayed over years or even decades. Using positive affirmations is a simple, efficient and empowering way to overcome negative beliefs and focus on the positive.
In other words, with affirmations, you are creating new, positive beliefs and repeat them to yourself until they replace your old ones.
List of affirmations for parents
As parents, we sometimes fall into the habit of beating ourselves up, which has a negative impact on our self-esteem and our ability to be a better parent. Here is a list of positive affirmations you can use to replace limiting beliefs and empower yourself.
I accept myself and embrace my imperfections.
I give myself permission to be vulnerable.
I accept myself and my child as we are.
I am exactly where I need to be in my journey as a mother/father.
I am the perfect mother/father for my child.
Loving myself is the greatest gift I can give to my child.
I love myself and I love my child unconditionally.
I love the mother/father I am.
It’s not because I think something that it’s true.
I trust my intuition to be the best mother/father for my child.
I am doing my best for my child.
I believe in my ability to be a good mother/father for my child.
I know what is good for my child.
I trust myself.
I am enough. I am strong. I am loved/loveable.
Everything I need to be a good mother/father is within me.
I’m grateful for being a mother/father.
I’m doing a great job as a mother/father.
I deserve all that is good.
I stand up for myself.
It is OK to take time for myself.
It’s OK to say no to others.
I’m a loving mother/father.
I’m doing my best to be a good mother/father.
I release the past and choose to live in the present.
I hope you could find some affirmations that resonated with you. Do not hesitate to repeat, speak out loud or even write down these positive affirmations. After some time, you will notice a shift in your mindset which will reflect in your life. Personally, I have never stopped using affirmations and I love how they give me orientation when trying to move away from old beliefs and patterns.
Feel free to share your favorite affirmations in the comment section.
These have been helpful. Thank you!
Parents are the ultimate role models for their children.