Hi there, my name is Aïssé and I’m glad you found your way to my blog.
A self-development blog for parents
Have you ever felt that you are taking care of everybody around you except for yourself? Have you ever wondered how to find the right balance between being a parent and being just yourself? Or maybe you often feel guilty when you take time for yourself? As you might have noticed, the word “yourself” is recurring here – and this is exactly what this blog is about.
Be Good to Yourself is a self-development blog for parents offering strategies to help you be the parent you want to be without losing yourself. You will find information and tips on why and how to prioritize yourself. Articles range from self-care and personal growth to practical tips for the day-to-day life as a parent.
A little bit about me
As a single mom of two boys (4 and 12), I started to realize that I had been focusing so much on being a mother that I was neglecting to be myself. After a while, I began to understand that fitting in self-care into my schedule should be at the top of my priority list and that it would not only benefit me but also my children. In this blog, I’m sharing my self-development journey with you hoping that you will benefit from my tips and insights.
Get in touch
I would love to hear from you. I enjoy sharing my journey with you just as much as reading about yours! Feel free to contact me to share your thoughts, comments, questions or just to introduce yourself.